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Final Exam : Agree On Disagree.

         Name : Putri Aprillia 

         NIM: 2520230020

1. It is better to make mistakes when learning a new skill, so you can learn from the errors. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? write spesific reason and examples to support your answer.

I agree with the statement, making mistakes while learning new skill can be an important part of the learning process. mistakes provide an opportunity to understand where the confusion lies and how to correct it, so that knowledge and skill can grow better. mistakes also helps build mental resilience and the ability to face future challenges.

Reason : Bacause when we make mistakes, we are forced to review or steps and figure out where to place the mistakes. this process helps strengthen our understanding of the concepts learned.

Example : when learning a new language, we may often be mistaken in using grammar or identififying and correcting these errors, we can better understanding the structure of language and inprove communication.

2. Good frieds should have varied interests and personalities, instead of having similar tastes.  Do you agree or disagree with the statement? write spesific reason and examples to support your answer.

I agree with the statement that goos friends should have diverse interest and personalities, not just have similar tastes. this diversity can enrich friendship in many ways.

Reason 1 : because if we have friend with different interests and personalities can give us new perspectives and broaden our vision. it can help us understand the world better and become more open.

Example : if we have friend who are very interested in art, we can learn a lot about art annd culture from them, although we ourselves may be more interested in sport.

Reason 2 : because when we're together with different people, it can improve our ability to communicate and adabt different types of people.

Example : a friend eho talk to discuss and argue an help us improve our capacity to speak in public and think critically.

    3.Colleges and universities have the responsibility to give their students options for club and activities outside of classes. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? write spesific reason and examples to support your answer .

       I agree with the statement that colleges and universities have a responsbility to give their students a choice for clubs and activitis outside the classes.

       Reason : because we will add development of social and leadership skill clubs and activities outside the classroom provide a platfrom for students to develop social and leadership skill that are not always available in classrooms. and get a new skill.

      Example : Joining a depate club or student organization can help sharpen public speaaking and leadership skills.







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