English is a global language. If we can speak English, we can communicate with the majority of people around the world. A lot of huge media entertainment, including movies, news, music, and literature, is created in English. By learning English, we'll be able to enjoy it in its original form and get a huge amount of information. So, it's important for us to learn English.
In my opinion, everyone should try to learn English from the simplest activity, like watching movies. And I do think that watching movies is a better and more effective way to learn English.
First of all, we all know that reading and doing exercise in school to learn a new language could be stressful and boring things to do. But the fact is, movies offer a more effective and entertaining approach. Like I said earlier, we could learn from the easiest and simplest activity, like watching movies. We could just relax and listen to what they are saying. We'll be learning without even realizing it. According to Tafani (2009) movies allow for more interactive and appealing ways of teaching and learning English.
Second of all, instead of memorizing English vocabulary, we could just listen to the movie's dialogue often. Because by listening to the movie's dialogue, we could develop and collect new vocabulary in a fun way. Movies themselves offer us a real-life scenario and a natural conversation. helping learners understand how words and phrases are pronounced and used in different situations. It might be hard to listen to English dialog every day the first time we try, but then we get used to it. Also, we can develop our listening skills. Listening is one of the most important skills in language learning. According to Artyushina, G., & Sheypak, OA (2018), listening is often claimed to be a passive skill in the classroom, as learners seem to sit quietly and listen to dialogues. According to Arono (2014) English movie is one of the media that can be used as a tool to develop students’ listening skills.
Finally, if we get used to watching and listening to English dialog often, we can upgrade our listening skills even more; for example, we can recognize someone's accent. We can improve our own understanding of the different ways English is spoken around the world. We all know that different accents can make sounds or words harder to understand. The easiest way to understand someone's accent is by watching movies. We could just turn on the English subtitles so we could hear it and read it at the same time. We should listen as much as possible, because our ears might trigger us to speak the language automatically, even with the same accent. Try to imitate someone's accent, but remember to try it in a respectful way and not mock someone's accent. According to Yudar, RS, Aditomo, DT, & Silalahi, NS (2020), a movie is one of the media that can immensely help student's speaking ability as they actively engage and have fun in imitating the audiovisual feed they receive.
In conclusion, I think movies are the most effective media for learning English. It really helps us to collect new vocabulary, phrases, and expressions that we often use in real-life situations. By listening to dialog, we often know how the word is pronounced and can also recognize unique accents that we have never heard before. It is important for us to understand accents because clear communication is the key. Most importantly, watching movies is a relaxing and fun activity to do. By only watching movies, we may learn without even realizing it.
Based on a journal: motivating children learning listening through English movies, Siti Munawaroh, Nurul Hasanah Fajariah M.Pd., 2023 https://icon.ftk.uinjambi.ac.id/index.php/icon/article/download/54/29
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