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Showing posts from April, 2024

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr Fox is probably my favorite animation movie. This movie was made by using the stop motion technique which makes this movie more interesting to watch. Fantastic Mr Fox tells a story about a fox who steals from three mean farmers to provide for his family and friends. This animated movie is directed by Wes Anderson. The most unique part of every Wes Anderson's movies is the color grading. The unique color is often use to show hidden character development. As the story develops, so does the color palette. Not only that, he also use the symmetry in his movies. Which creates a sense of balance. The movie explores themes of family, identity and adventure. Mr Fox wants to return to his wildlife. Which is thieving stuff, but his wife Mrs Fox doesn't want him to do that again. Because it'll affect their life one day, also he's a husband and a father now, so he has responsibilities. Unfortunately, Mr Fox is a Fox so he couldn't help himself. It's neutral for

Lack of sleep patterns

Sleeping is a time for a person to relax their physic and mind. Most of us live in a busy life. that's why we have to get rest. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who have a sleeping problem. Whether they cannot sleep because of their business stuff or they just cannot sleep naturally. However, this incident cannot be happen everyday. Because it will effected our health. [EY] Consequences of lack of sleep patterns Lack of sleep not only makes the body feel tired and lacking in energy. Those who lack sleep may have a greater risk of experiencing more serious health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and even depression. Having a higher risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol, thus negatively impacting heart health. Making it harder for the body to manage emotions, making it more vulnerable to symptoms of mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression. [PA] What can you do to recover lack of sleep 1 Improve your bedtime habits The activ


Have you ever felt like your plans doesn't always go well? that's what I feel every time I draw. For me, drawing is therapy. Every time I feel sad, I will draw on paper. But as I said earlier my drawings are not always pretty. I draw every time I feel sad but sometimes I do feel like this isn't a good idea, because if the drawing isn't turns out beautifully it will make me even more sad. But I also have to realize that everything doesn't have to be perfect. sometimes we have to accept reality, be patient and try again every time we fail. If I make a line in my drawing that doesn't match I will delete it and try to make the same line over and over again. just like the life we ​​live.   [EY]